Holiday Closings, Inclement Weather Closings, Parking Information & Other Announcements
Holly Waller, General Sessions Clerk
The Circuit Court Clerk serves as the Clerk of the General Sessions Court. The Clerk is responsible for ensuring the courts are run effectively and efficiently. The Clerk maintains the records of the court, attends the courts and performs all clerical functions of the court. In addition, the Clerk handles all financial operations of the court.
The Civil Division is responsible for filing civil warrants (less than $25,000), detainer warrants, writs of possession, executions by levy or garnishment, and orders of protection. Civil court is held each Monday morning at 8:30 A.M.; however, dates are subject to change.
The Criminal Division is limited to misdemeanor cases and preliminary hearings in felony cases. It is responsible for the issuing of criminal warrants and all filings related to criminal cases. Criminal court is held every Wednesday at 8:30 A.M.; however, dates are subject to change.
The Traffic Division handles all minor traffic offenses that are issued by the Cheatham County Sheriff's Office and Tennessee Highway Patrol. This division also processes citations under the Cheatham County Building & Codes Department.
Judge Phillip Maxey serves as the General Sessions Judge.
- When you arrive, please use the Kiosk outside the General Sessions courtroom to check-in. Once you're checked in, please remain in the courtroom until your name is called.
- DRESS APPROPRIATELY. NO shorts. NO muscle shirts. No t-shirts with inappropriate language. NO low-riding pants. NO hats, bandannas, hoods, or head coverings. NO see-through clothing, backless, tanks, or halter tops. You must wear shoes.
- USE OF CELL PHONES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Please make sure all cell phones are turned off or put on silent before entering the courtroom.
Address & Phone
General Sessions
100 Public Square, Room 223
Ashland City, TN 37015
Phone: (615) 792-4866 (Option 1)
Fax: (615) 792-3203
»2025 Holiday Schedule
Office Hours
Monday through Friday,
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
General Sessions Staff
Kimberly Binkley, Sr. Deputy Clerk
Criminal Division
Angie Brown, Deputy Clerk
Criminal Division
Katherine Collins, Deputy Clerk
Civil Division
Emmaline Johnson, Deputy Clerk
Civil Division
General Sessions Judge

Phillip Maxey, General Sessions Judge
100 Public Square, Suite 115
Ashland City, TN 37015
(615) 792-4866
Adult Probation & Staff
General Sessions Adult Probation supervises those on misdemeanor probation for the Cheatham County General Sessions Court and Ashland City Municipal Court. To reach a member of the Adult Probation staff, please call (615) 792-2045.
To contact the State of Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole (Cheatham County Office), please call (615) 792-1643 or (615) 792-1401.
Adult Probation Officer
Ed Loxley
Public Service Coordinator
Soledad Palacios
Clerk & Interpreter